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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

30: Done With AMTG --> Now Go to Work!!

I've just finished Softproofing my last.. last.. last.. the very last Book for 2007.

So now i'm in the training room... yes be trained and re-trained, and tomorrow i'll be full day in the training. Cath is coming "up" from CCH Sydney on Tuesday... and i'll be da' "masak".. hahahha


Yesterday Miding arrive from Spain.. so just wait for the photos of "SOFT SECRETS: Gratis".. heheheh you'll be "so siok"... opss sorry shocked!! (well.. i'm shocked also what)
He's been in Spain for a month... and yeahh his so called "Girlfriend" support all the flights tickets and also the "Makan dan minum"

and he just bring keychain from Barcelona. (ok lah... better than don't get nothing)

Roger Out LenseGoneBad.

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