Charles a.k.a achai. Get yours at

Sunday, May 24, 2009


If you are interested on the photos, you can just leave a comments or you can just send me an Email to LenseGoneBad. Enjoy!

LenseGoneBad in Amcorp Mall!

This is What happend on Saturday (23th May 2009).
P.s: best view Large

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Donald Dog & LenseGoneBad: Rampage in Amcorp Mall Flea Market!

LenseGoneBad and Donald Dog is renting a stall for "Sell O' Artwork" at Amcorp Mall Flea Market this Saturday (23rd May 2009, 9.00am to 6.00pm)... which floor, you need to find us, get to know us!

Mostly Artwork from Donald dog(you can see him in Action on the Canvas) and some from LenseGoneBad (Framed photos).

So why doing the same thing over and over every weekends, visit us! it'll change your "life" a little bit! :)

Donald Dog previous Artwork:

Yak-Yak = Donald Dog = Yak-Yak!

"Dog" painting: Human are like Dogs!

"Crazy hands" Sketched by Donald Dog

LenseGoneBad Series, Titled: Emptiness

So See you Saturday!

LenseGone2Bed! (so mengantuk now... huwawaaaaa.. zzzzzzzz)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Yashica GSM + Fisheye2

Film: Fujichrome Slide ISO200 (36exp)

  1. 1st exposure [Fisheye2 (normal setting, point and shoot)]
  2. 2nd exposure [Yashica GSM (mostly used ISO64)]

Extra info: Film have been exposed to extreme heat for a year!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Yak yak, Dog, Naive Art and a bunch of stuff!

Ohhh great guys! Donald Dog is on with blogging now, so you can just drop by to either Donald Dog (Activities, Projects, Workshop updates) or Painting for Sale (if you are into Naive Art or maybe you collect Dog's painting).


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Slow and Steady

I am a bit further back on the updates of what is going on now. Gabriel is coming, Photography Workshop is on going every month (esp. for WK staff only, for the people who have left the company... Sorry guys!). So Hurray!

I need time to sit back and relax and plan the things I have done on all Workshop. A few suggestion that i have received like:-

  • Giving a FREE Portrait shoots for Aghatians Shelter Kids (i know sometimes it doesn't look worth it).

  • Photography Exhibition Charity for Aghatians Shelter Kids (i need to think about the place to held the Exhibition. Maybe end of year!? I'll promise on this but again actual date is so far for me to "reach")

  • Selected Photos from the All the Workshop will be immortalise in Photo Book (PhotoBook Malaysia is seems to be the best place... hmmmm).

  • The WKesp Photography Club can do something extraordinary out from working "circle" (i know this going to be Hard on what to achieve, but again I know there is "something planned" for us "Outside", I'm always ready for this! & I'm going to make everyone in the Club ready for "it")
and i'm a Daddy! 2009 is a very Good Year! everything that i have been planning for a long time is going to come true, but again there maybe a few hiccups now and then... but again i will be give full support on the Photography Club.